Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Taveon!

I have been watching the kids for a while while Maggie has been in the hospital so on Nov. 7th it was Taveon's birthday. We just had a small get together while my Dad was in town. It was a lot of fun. He got LOTS of toys and a BIKE!!! And loves them all!! Take a look at the pics!!! Also, I forgot to mention yesterday that I was able to help in the nursery at church yesterday!! They want me to help out until my calling starts in January. So I helped in the nursery, the 3 year olds, and let me tell you, it was a lot of fun! I loved it!! The kids are great and are so freakin cute! Also, the other teachers are a very fun and nice couple. I really enjoyed it and am excited to help out for the next few weeks! Stay tuned for my hunting pictures! Yep, that's right, Mindy did say HER HUNTING pictures, hard to believe, I know. ;)

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